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Selectmen Minutes 02/10/2015
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Members Present:  Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Mr. & Mrs. Eagan, Donna Chagnon, Lucille Noel, Philip Hitchcock, Ann Davis, Tom Houle, David Colbert, Chad Roberge, Gill Vien, Paul Vien

Call to Order:  Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm


Mr. Egan – King Road – No Thru Trucking Sign Request

Mr. Egan stated that he came before the Board to request a No Thru Trucking sign be placed on King Road. I built my house 42 years ago when it was a dirt road. When they rebuilt the bridge at Bee Hole it had a weight limit sign so we did not have large trucks. The weight limit sign is no longer there and the road is being torn up by all of the large trucks. Two weeks before Christmas we had a fatal accident right down the street from our house. At 6:00pm this evening there was a large truck coming down the road. It is extremely dark on this road. They also do not drive the speed limit. The letter I sent a few weeks ago describe what my experiences have been. I also have a listing of neighbors who have signed a request to return the road to return the road to a No Thru Trucking roadway.

Mr. DeBold stated that he had talked to the Road Agent about this and he told me he was not against making this a “No Thru Trucking”. I am not sure if we would do “No Thru Trucking” or start by posting a weight limit. I think what we need to do is follow up on this to ensure we follow the proper procedure. We are not going to make a decision tonight but will continue to gather information so we can make an informed decision.

Mrs. Egan stated that the road has become very busy and it no one goes the speed limit.

Mr. DeBold stated we will keep this on the front burner and reach out to all of you when we make a final decision.

General Business/Board Discussion

Draft Economic Development Charter

Mr. DeBold stated that this has been reviewed. I have a few concerns with one being the first sentence and I would like to increase the membership from 7 to 9.

Consensus of the Board was move forward with these changes.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to accept the Chichester Economic Development Charter as amended as written. Motion Passes.

Chucksters Request to remove the No Parking Signs on Bailey Road

Mr. DeBold reviewed the letter received from Chuckster’s requesting removing the “No Parking” signs on Bailey Road. He has expanded his parking lot twice and he is working with the Weathervane as well.

Mr. Paveglio stated that I am in favor of helping them. They are a very good business but I want to make sure that the Planning Board did not order those signs be placed there.

Paul Vien stated that he would like to suggest removing the signs from one side of the street and see how that goes for six months then make the decision to remove the rest.

Gil Vien stated that I believe that a petition was signed to have those signs placed on the road.

Mr. DeBold stated that I don’t believe that there is a problem.

Mr. Paveglio stated that maybe look at rearranging the signs.  Then see how that goes.

Consensus of the Board was to wait until spring and meet with Chuckster’s and the Road Agent to take a look at the signs. There are too many signs and we will be removing some of them.

Food Pantry Donation
A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of $250.00 received from First Congregational Church of Pittsfield to support the Food Pantry. It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditures, and that such records shall be made available upon request. Motion Passes

Map 3 Lot 28
There was confusion between the Board and Mr. Colbert if the discussion should be held in non-public. Mr. Colbert requested that the discussion be held in public.

Mr. Colbert asked Mr. Roberge if actual income had been used when figuring any other abatement request.

Mr. Roberge stated that no it had not.

Consensus of the Board was to use the actual expenses and income in order to mediate this abatement.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to grant an abatement in the amount of $134,100 for the 2013 tax year Robinson’s Mobile Home Park. Motion Passes

Map 3 Lot 38
A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to grant the assessor recommendation to abate $139,500 in assessed value. Motion Passes

Map 2 Lot 38
A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to grant the assessor’s recommendation to abate $35,700 from the assessed value. Motion Passes (Jordan Abstained)

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 8:19pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold                                           D. Michael Paveglio                                                  Jeffrey Jordan